Letters to the Editor

Letter: A better America

America is as much an ideal as it is a place. It was founded as the antidote to the poisons of intolerance and fear. Having elected Joe Biden as President, we can truly make America great again. And what makes America great is its eternal commitment and struggle to be a nation of fairness, compassion and respect for others.

We are called to be the United States of America, not the Divided States of America. We are called to be united in decency, dignity and progress. We are called to ensure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare (Preamble, U.S. Constitution), and to stand against people who push other people around (Ralph Ingersoll).

Our nation’s founders wanted the very word “America” to mean the best of everything human. Their America understands the balance of rights and responsibilities, that individual freedoms end where the health and welfare of others begin. The world desperately wants to see that America.

Thomas Harrison Morse


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