Letters to the Editor

Letter: Coronavirus science

In response to Rolf L. Bilet’s recent letter: In my 76 years on this Earth, we have not cured the common cold, which is a rhinovirus. More than 200 rhinoviruses viruses are related to the common cold. Rhinoviruses contain all their genetic information on a single strand of RNA, a molecule related to DNA. The upper respiratory viruses are transmitted by droplets which are introduced primarily through the nose. Multiple rhinoviruses are known to infect people simultaneously.

Now, as an old asthma sufferer, I know from experience that covering my nose and mouth, washing my hands and staying away from people with colds prevents me getting colds and/or asthma attacks. Yes, I really think we will have a vaccination for COVID-19, which, if not a “cure,” will go a long way toward prevention in most and lesser symptoms in others.

My aunt died last week from COVID-19, not because of anything she did, but because of people who have no respect for others, didn’t follow protocol and carried the disease to her. You can’t ignore rules at the party and wear a mask in the workplace.

— Ginger Boatwright


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