Letters to the Editor

Letter: Leadership

In 1981, I was stationed at Davis Monthan Air Force Base flying the A-10A Warthog. I was fortunate to be selected to attend the U.S. Air Force Fighter Weapons Instructor course at Nellis AFB. The three-month course included a deployment to Fort Lewis outside of Seattle to do Joint Air Attack Tactics with the Army.

When I asked Lt. Col. Mike Ferguson why he chose to lead the deployment formation of six aircraft, he looked me in the eye and said, “Leaders lead.” I’ve always remembered that.

So when a vaccine is offered, will I take it? Yes. Will I continue to wear a mask, social distance and wash my hands, until competent authority says it’s no longer necessary? Yes. And why will I do that, Sen. Sullivan might ask? Because leaders lead.

— Robert W. Lane

Lt. Col. USAF, Retired


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