Letters to the Editor

Letter: Canceling the election

Why stop at just the votes for president? If an election in any given state is deemed fraudulent, then all votes should be suspect. Every state that has been determined to hold fraudulent elections should now have to rerun each and every ballot for each and every candidate that ran for office, including each and every senator and representative. I think that given a second chance at voting and now knowing what we do about these people who want to disregard the will of the people and reinstall their choice should also face the will of the people again. A do-over for all!

As a follow-up to former Alaska attorney general Jahna Lindemuth’s comment, there have been several elections here in Alaska I wish had been challenged in this manner. There are 49 other states; can’t anyone help us up here from this madness?

Gov. Mike Dunleavy and the seven state Alaska Republican legislators are not only showing that they are lackeys to this group mindset, but do not have the foresight to look farther than their own noses. They are also showing their true colors; the new color for the Republican party isn’t red but yellow. Maybe they should all take a moment to actually read the Constitution, instead of the Republican Cliffs Notes version. “State’s rights” doesn’t mean a thing to these shortsighted people as long as they can stay in power. Just remember, once a precedent is set, said precedent can be used by either side in the future. They also do not understand that the political pendulum swings both ways and it will swing the other way, I can only hope it swings hard enough to knock some sense into these thick skulls.

— Gary Teenor


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