Letters to the Editor

Letter: Decline the Assembly recall

Felix Rivera is a good person. Not only that, he is an excellent representative of the community as a member and chairperson of the Anchorage Assembly. I have witnessed firsthand Mr. Rivera’s leadership at several Assembly meetings and work sessions. He truly cares about improving the lives of working families and making our community a better place.

Needless to say, I was surprised when I heard of the recall effort underway against him. When I learned of the reasons given, I was shocked. Mr. Rivera and the other members of the Anchorage Assembly have been tasked with making extremely difficult decisions as they guide our community through this pandemic. I believe they have made the right decisions. Limiting the size of indoor gatherings in the interest of safety makes sense. Removing an elected official for inadvertently allowing two additional people in the Assembly chambers does not make sense. I am fairly certain that the sponsors of this recall petition would not appreciate being removed from their jobs for such a frivolous reason.

Mr. Rivera should be allowed to continue his good work on the Assembly.  So, I very much hope that if you happen to be approached by a petitioner seeking your signature for this ridiculous recall effort, you’ll respond by politely saying, “No thank you.”

— Ryan Andrew


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