Letters to the Editor

Letter: Facts and fantasy

This is in response to the Jan. 24 article about State Sen. Mike Shower, R-Wasilla, and the Senate’s first bill they’ve taken up in 2021 — unsubstantiated voter fraud and institutional voter suspension in the form of legislation.

Mail-in voting works, but they don’t want us to vote. This bill is a direct slap in the face to all Alaskans, because there isn’t justifiable evidence that such fraud ever existed. Alaska has been in a recession for years, our population is shrinking, we’ve far overrun our revenue — all under GOP leadership, mind you — while Gov. Mike Dunleavy, the Alaska GOP and national Republican Party can’t get over the election and the lies perpetuated by ex-President Donald Trump. Never mind that Alaska is in a fiscal crisis and has been for years, because of failed Republican policy and the straight-up refusal to be grounded in any type of reality.

In fact, the GOP would prefer conspiracy theories over reality. I thought Alaskans who vote would wake up to Republican lies back in 2008, when several Alaska GOP lawmakers were convicted and sentenced for a litany of bribery, corruption and racketeering charges, but I guess not. Even an insurrection on our U.S. Capitol won’t wedge common sense into their ideology.

— Yeilyadi Olson


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