Letters to the Editor

Letter: Impeachment trial

The House of Representatives has sent its articles of impeachment to the Senate for trial. While I have been encouraged by some of the comments Sen. Lisa Murkowski has made with regard to our most recent past president’s actions and behaviors, I am very concerned about the lack of forthrightness of our junior senator, Dan Sullivan, whom I voted for.  

While the former President will be given — more than his share of — “innocent until proven guilty” benefits of our peerless judicial system, the Senate can come to the only one correct conclusion: guilty! Therefore, it’s imperative that Alaska’s senators vote accordingly.

There should be no fear about the former president’s “base.” Sen. Sullivan has six years before he has to worry about any competition. C’mon, senator, you’re a colonel in the Marines. Show some courage! And regardless of what the previous White House occupant says, Sen. Murkowski is doing a good job. I expect that she will be easily reelected — she has my vote.

We, the American public, have been suffering through the vacuous, pathetic state of national leadership for more than four years now, so I believe it’s way past time to put an end to it. And don’t expect that Sen. Susan Collins’ prediction of a year or so ago that perhaps “he’s learned a lesson” will be any more accurate now than it was then. Enough is enough! It’s time for an unforgettable trip to the shed. Do the right thing for our country.

— David Hillemeyer


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