Letters to the Editor

Letter: Kudos

Even though the Anchorage Daily News is skinnier, it continues to bring light. Reading the ADN is something I look forward to every day, and I still can’t bring myself to switch from paper to online. In every paper there is always at least one article, opinion or commentary, syndicated column, photograph, political cartoon or letter to the editor that does something special for me.

Some inspire, some make me smile, frown, feel outrage or righteous indignation; some make me laugh out loud. I often read parts of the news out loud to my husband, whose news sources are mostly social media. My choices of what to read for him or show him are based on how they make me feel more often than because they support something I believe — and he doesn’t.

Some favorites are the outdoor pieces by the hunters and many commentaries by various writers. Good choices of what national and global news to publish keep me up to date enough on what is happening outside of Alaska. I usually finish my reading by indulging in a sudoku or crossword puzzle, which I am certain are less satisfying on a computer screen — if they are even included in the digital ADN.

Keep up the good work.

— Lisa Good


Have something on your mind? Send to letters@adn.com or click here to submit via any web browser. Letters under 200 words have the best chance of being published. Writers should disclose any personal or professional connections with the subjects of their letters. Letters are edited for accuracy, clarity and length.