Letters to the Editor

Letter: Proud of vaccine response

Our daughter Susie Whited, R.N., was among the nurses administering the Moderna vaccine at the Anchorage School District Education Center. My wife Janie and I were delighted to hear that vaccine was to be made available to those 65 or older. On our arrival, the entire registration process went very smoothly, with assistance available at every step enabling Susie herself to do the vaccination painlessly shortly thereafter.

During a brief episode of uneventful observation, we were assisted by ASD employee Marilyn Gallardo in scheduling our follow up appointment for the second injection. We left with gratitude for the care we received, a profound sense of relief, thankful for the opportunity to reduce the risk to the rest of our family, and proud of Susie’s role in controlling the pandemic in our community.

John D. Erkmann, M.D.


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