Letters to the Editor

Letter: School board shouldn’t meet virtually

The return of the absentee school board members: Pat Higgins years ago set such a bad example that four current school board members copied his behavior. Deena Mitchell, Andy Holleman, Margo Bellamy and Dave Donley all have remotely attended school board meetings, exceeding the 25% absentee rate.

During COVID-19 times, all four members have exceeded the maximum number of allowed in-person absences. The great Gretchen Guess wrote the current policy and the board passed it.

Government requires the ability to see your leaders in person. Bette Davis was retired with this rule. Felix Rivera found out that people want to participate.

It is time to recall these four members, if the School Board chooses to be scofflaws. They should follow Bette Davis’ example and retire.

David Nees


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