Letters to the Editor

Letter: Leash laws

It is with great interest that I read the commentary from Mr. Patrick Sullivan on Feb. 9 regarding the proposed changes to the leash law.

Like Mr. Sullivan, I am a longtime Anchorage resident and spend thousands of hours on our municipal and federal multi-use trails. Based on my and my friends’ observations during our year-round activities, we noticed some very distinct groups of trail users.

Before-noon trail users are more courteous. Their loose dogs are under respectable control and, when an occasional minor mishap happens, they apologize and we all go our way without any bitterness. Past noon, it’s a zoo and free-for-all. Families with kids are out. People on multi-use trails are enjoying a variety of activities. There are also lots of loose dogs. Some belong to people talking on their phones or wearing headphones or AirPods, oblivious to what their dogs are up to. Others belong to people who seem to think it is OK to simply loudly say “my dog is friendly” when the dog runs up to an adult, child or dog on a leash.

My wife and I have had several confrontations with rude, belligerent dog owners who couldn’t care less about the rest of us who follow the law. When freedom is abused, laws are necessary. When existing laws are disregarded, laws are tightened. Given the behavior not of dogs, but of some dog owners, it is not surprising that many of us perceive a need to revise and strengthen leash laws.

— Michel Villon


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