Letters to the Editor

Letter: Lives well lived

The choice between a life well lived and a life well destroyed is this: whether one lets go of the mind-made suffering they experience each moment, or whether one chooses to hold onto it and let it define them. It is the choice we make 100,000 times over the course of a single life, and for many of us here on Earth, in days like these especially, but also in all ages past, the choice to hold on and suffer is the choice we make for many thousands of moments before the consideration of letting go of that suffering presents itself to us.For most of us that do choose to let go of the pain, it often requires encountering a spiritual teacher, an individual who has — for the most part — let go of their suffering long, long ago.

For myself and many others, that individual is Eckhart Tolle, who came into mainstream cultural prominence with his book “The Power of Now.” I was so ready and simultaneously not ready when his message reached me … I did not yet understand that we are never totally saved, while also never totally lost either — and each moment and step we take is another chance, another choice, to redeem or condemn ourselves, as well as this place we all share.

— Read Taylor


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