Letters to the Editor

Letter: Apologies

The recent news story about Sen. Lora Reinbold’s demand for an apology from Gov. Mike Dunleavy is as preposterous as it is ironic. Reinbold is actually the one who needs to be apologizing. She can start by apologizing to Alaska Airlines for her childlike tantrum this past summer, when she encouraged people to bypass the mask rules while in airports and airplanes.

She then needs to apologize to all Alaskans for her childish, ill-informed and moronic behavior the past year about COVID-19. Sen. Reinbold, who fancies herself a medical professional in the way she speaks and writes (and by the way, her medical training included studying nursing at Oral Roberts University and managing some outpatient clinics in Alaska), spent much of the last year encouraging others to not believe any science about the spread or consequences of COVID-19.

Next, she can apologize for her continued grandstanding and petulant behaviors to her fellow senators, as she continues to embarrass herself while in the Senate.

And, last but not least, she can apologize to all her constituents in Eagle River for being ill-equipped, unqualified and ill-prepared to represent us at the state level. Once Reinbold has met these criteria, then it would be suitable for the governor to offer his apology, but only for his late response and that he is sorry for not doing this much sooner.

— Darrel Hamel

Eagle River

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