Letters to the Editor

Letter: Support libraries and senior centers

This spring, we have an opportunity to create a special place where our community can come together to share our stories, learn about our history, exchange ideas, and work together to shape the future.Proposition 2 on the municipal ballot includes a project to create a new Alaska Room at Loussac Library.

Now is the time for our community to create an Alaska Room for the next generation — a place that brings our history to life and makes it relevant to community members of all ages and backgrounds, a place that celebrates the voices of Indigenous peoples, immigrant cultures and all who have contributed to making our city great.

By passing Proposition 2, we will secure valuable federal and private matching funds to make this project a reality. Ballots were mailed on March 15 and voting ends on April 6.

When you get your ballot, remember to vote yes on Proposition 2 for libraries and senior centers.

— Sigrid Brudie


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