Letters to the Editor

Letter: Support senior centers

One of the true jewels in the Chugiak-Eagle River area is our senior center. We believe that it needs our help. We owe it to our parents, grandparents and future generations to maintain this gem of an asset.

Proposition 2 on the ballot in the municipal election is a great opportunity for our community to support our senior centers and libraries. At only 25 cents per $100,000 of assessed value, the cost to the average homeowner will be less than $1 per year. This modest investment will ensure that the Chugiak-Eagle River Senior Center will prosper into the future. The Anchorage Senior Center and Loussac Library will also receive much-needed safety repairs and improvements that will extend the lives of these critical facilities.

Our libraries and senior centers are used by thousands of people each year and are a part of what make our city great. It is important for us to have places where our seniors can stay connected to their communities and families as they age.

Mail-in voting ends on April 6. For more information on the election and accessible vote centers, go to muni.org/elections.

— Michael and Bonnie Melielo

Eagle River

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