Letters to the Editor

Letter: Reinbold’s antics

I am just blown away at the endless irresponsible antics of my state senator, Sen. Lora Reinbold. Not a week goes by without yet another embarrassing juvenile tantrum about wearing a mask as mandated by the Legislature. Even after being called out by the governor and most of the Senate, she was recently fined for — again — going maskless in the state capitol.  

I made a cursory review of her personal and senatorial Facebook pages. Yikes. The vast majority of her posts are obsessed with her issue of wearing a mask and filled with misinformation that any junior high student could readily disprove. As near as I could tell, her select takes on COVID-19 response have been the prime issue of the Judiciary Committee that she chaired until recently. I cannot imagine how our state government is going to effectively deal with the myriad of real issues that we face without a functioning Senate Judiciary Committee.

It is abundantly clear that the governor’s criticism of Sen. Reinbold’s behavior is spot-on and that she has shown not the slightest indication that she intends to change. She is not representing me as a constituent, nor fulfilling her role and responsibility as a state senator.

— Doug McBride

Eagle River

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