Letters to the Editor

Letter: Ranked-choice voting

Ranked-choice voting is something you find out back in a hole among the lilac bushes. That said, it is hard to arrive at an opinion about something that was never explained properly in the first place. I would be very interested in seeing the results of the current election results reapportioned under the ranked-choice voting rules so they could be compared with the results of the runoff election. Of course, that is assuming that the rules are fixed and can’t be diddled with to skew the results.

Ranked-choice voting is supposed to cost less than the runoff system.  Personally, knowing that my vote will be counted for the person I select is worth that cost. The choice is mine to make and not the choice of some whatever. After all, I have a right to change my own choice between election and runoff election.

— Michael Kurth


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