Letters to the Editor

Letter: University spending

The selection of the previous University of Alaska president was, in my opinion, a display of incompetence hiring incompetence, and I am very concerned that the next UA president will be no better.

Every member on the Board of Regents should teach one freshman course per year, to truly understand what they are governing. If they won’t teach, then they do not belong in education and should be removed. College is for mature adults. It should not be turned into an overgrown high school or a repository for dysfunctional administrators, faculty and students.

The university funnels millions of dollars into athletics while openly begging for millions to fix decaying infrastructure. Its lack of fiscal maturity is appalling. Faced with crippling budget cuts, the university has no business subsidizing the scandal-ridden, multibillion-dollar sports industry. UA teams need to become 100% self-funded, immediately. Sports are for children; college is for adults.  

The university needs to do better at managing its finances. Big buildings, large enrollments and athletics do not a university make. Academics alone make a university.

— Thomas Harrison Morse


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