Letters to the Editor

Letter: Support climate action

As a fellow Willamette University alumna and Alaska resident, I strongly urge Sen. Lisa Murkowski to support the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. This act will have a positive impact on the environment by creating an incentive for oil companies to use less carbon, which is greatly needed in Alaska and around the globe.

As we know, Alaska’s climate is changing in a way that harms the ecosystem and will eventually have damaging effects on its residents. For example, starting in 2016, invasive spruce beetles were able to survive through the winters and thus further their negative impact on the ecosystem.

Regarding the livability of Alaska, the Arctic Circle’s temperature is rising three times faster than average, which will a) release pathogens that could create future pandemics b) increase the erosion of Alaska’s coastline and melting permafrost to the detriment of built communities c) soon create temperatures that are uninhabitable. The latter effect has already begun, given the shorter and warmer winters.

From one Bearcat to another, I ask Sen. Murkowski to please support the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. Our lives depend on it.

— Mary Robicheaux


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