Letters to the Editor

Letter: Insurrection complicity

As stated in the ADN May 28, “The expected vote is emblematic of the profound mistrust between the two parties since the siege, which has sowed deeper divisions on Capitol Hill even though lawmakers in the two parties fled together from the rioters that day. The events of Jan. 6 have become an increasingly fraught topic among Republicans as some in the party have downplayed the violence and defended the rioters who supported Trump and his false insistence that the election was stolen from him.

”The Senate vote against holding an investigation into the Jan. 6 insurrection was a spit in the face of every true American. The Party of Trump is telling American citizens, “You people don’t deserve to know the truth about that day.” Why? Because they are beholden to an autocratic liar and are trying to protect those members of the Senate and House who were directly and indirectly involved in the acts culminating in the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.

The vote was a punch in the gut to everyone in this country. The members of the Republican Party are cowards and disgusting, and must be eliminated from the political arena at the polls to make room for honest people who will honor their oaths to us and this country.

Thank you to Sen. Lisa Murkowski for keeping her oath. Sen. Dan Sullivan and Rep. Don Young have some explaining to do to Alaskans and the American people as to why they are such cowards in the face of truth. Who are they protecting? A traitor in their caucus, or themselves?

Trump lost. Stop spreading the ridiculous lies and conspiracy theories. We’re — the majority of us — smarter than you think.

— Patrick Ozment


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