Letters to the Editor

Letter: A new leaf

I see that new Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson has appointed some of the state Republican Party’s best-known cretins to positions of high office in his vaunted new administration (ADN June 29). As Bronson’s inauguration day approached, he and his new staff were all smiles — everything is all sweetness and light. Funny, I don’t remember such mild-mannered evenhandedness on the part of Bronson and his lackeys during the recent campaign, a time when I recall seeing large “Forrest Dunbar for Mayor” signs regularly defaced by spray paint. (Perhaps ADN readers will remember such signs — posted at various locations along Northern Lights.) I myself was so upset by such underhanded tactics by the Bronson campaign that I took to carrying in my car several cans of spray paint, so that I might repair such damage, and return the “Dunbar for Mayor” signs near to their original appearance.

It is simply not possible that then-candidate Bronson could not have known about such underhanded tactics on the part of his supporters. That he never publicly condemned such foul play says a lot about the man, and his willingness to employ dirty tricks to get himself elected.

So now we here in Anchorage will have as our new mayor Dave Bronson, who proved himself to be something of a stinker during his campaign. Let us hope that Mayor Bronson, having won his election through dirty tricks, can set such tactics aside and act on behalf of all the people of Anchorage, instead of the special interests who steered him into office — otherwise, the next three years here in Anchorage are not going to be a whole lot of fun.

— Stephan Paliwoda


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