Letters to the Editor

Letter: Moving backward

Amy Demboski was roundly and decisively defeated as a mayoral candidate some years ago. Her ultra-conservative approach to municipal government was unacceptable to Anchorage voters then, and the same applies today. Looking at the lineup of appointees put forth by the narrowly elected mayor, the “new direction” this administration is pointing is backward. Larry Baker, Craig Campbell — these fellows had their chance years ago to shape the direction of our city and proved an inward looking and miserly approach was not conducive to a modern growing city. I sincerely wonder how voters thought this new mayor and his backward vision for Anchorage would bring a better future to this town. Fewer flowers, less services, cut programs — I don’t see a bright congenial view from these people on how the city should be managed. I have lived here 50 years and do not want to progress backward.

— Mike Gogolowski


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