Letters to the Editor

Letter: Protect each other

There have been more than 615,000 confirmed deaths in the U.S. due to COVID-19. Last year’s virus was not as dangerous as the delta variant. This mutated virus is easily more transmissible and more infectious.As viruses continue to mutate, the next variant and future surges may be even more deadly. There are now: delta (B.1.617.2); lambda, first identified in Peru; and B.1.621, first identified in Colombia.This has now become a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

We need to protect each other. If you’ve had COVID-19, the natural immunity from the infection is not the same as the protection you would get from getting the vaccine, which would give you 90%-95% protection. It is only a matter of time before it hits your family and friends. It is parents’ job to protect their children. As the vaccine is not available to children under 12, the best protection is to surround them with vaccinated adults, so as to not leave them without parents.

In companies doing their best to protect their workers, it’s vaccinate or lose your job. It is unconscionable and unethical that people in the health care industry, such as doctors, nurses and caregivers are still unvaccinated. It is a sacred obligation, caring for and being exposed to vulnerable populations. I am relieved to finally hear Providence Hospital is now requiring workers to be vaccinated by Sept. 30.

If you think you have more knowledge/education/experience than infectious disease specialists who have studied viruses for decades, wake up. The government is not trying to infringe on your personal freedom.

Unvaccinated Mayor Dave Bronson, who stated he doesn’t plan to get vaccinated, is a poor example of a leader to bring people safely into the future. The big picture: vaccines work, masks and social distancing work. Back in May, we didn’t have to wear masks. The updated guidelines in now recommended to mask up when indoors, even when fully vaccinated.

Do we need to take more responsible, aggressive measures to get people to understand the consequences of being unvaccinated? Do we need technology which will show overhead temperatures of individuals as they enter a building? Do we have to get to the point where we have to show proof of vaccination to enter grocery stores or the bank or take away dividends to get people to listen/understand that this is a pandemic? If it hasn’t already, it’s just a matter of time before it hits your family and friends.

It’s simple: Get a vaccine or get COVID-19.


— Leslie Nelson


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