Letters to the Editor

Letter: Bronson wrong on masks

Mayor Dave Bronson’s opposition to masks in the schools is wrongheaded. “Anchorage residents should be free to make their own decisions about their health care, about their families, and about their children’s education,” Bronson said.

What he misunderstands is that only applies to decisions that affect themselves; whether or not to get check-ups, which church they attend, if they choose a neighborhood public school, a charter, a private school, or go to home-school. The mask mandate protects everyone else’s children, and by extension, their families.

Given his logic, parents should be able to “choose” to send their children to school with a loaded firearm, which is likewise a terrible idea. Individual liberty is enshrined in our Constitution, but there are myriad examples where public safety trumps that right, and this is clearly one of them.

— Charles Tyrrell


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