Letters to the Editor

Letter: Irresponsible COVID-19 decisions

For some irrational reason, as Alaska experiences a new spike in the delta variant in those unvaccinated, the Mat-Su School District has thumbed its nose at public health mandates and recommendations for the safety of our children and the public in general.

The Alaska health care system is small compared to other states’ resources. In a week to two weeks, the Mat-Su will be confronted with a dire situation. First, free-for-all, whatever you want to do school buses, maskless schools and then the State Fair. What a perfect petri dish for an overwhelming spread. There will be sick children and their unvaccinated parents needing intensive medical care that may not be available for their needs. The vaccinations and masks were, are and will be available. Ventilators and pediatric and adult ICU beds, or even health care professionals to provide care, may not be available for you or your kids.

My question is: Who will be held accountable for this incompetent decision to endanger others’ health and safety and loss of lives? What some people think are their “rights for freedom of choice” are, I’m sorry, absolutely wrong and irresponsible. You don’t have the right to spread a contagious disease to others.

— Patrick Ozment


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