Letters to the Editor

Letter: Health choices affect others

My family has been severely compromised by COVID-19, even though all eligible members have been vaccinated. The reason rests firmly with COVID spreaders who place their “rights” above all else — even when they make others sick. The damage extends far beyond just my family; dozens of others have been affected.

An elderly member suffered a breakthrough COVID case because another family member — not eligible for the vaccine — became sick at a facility where masks and vaccinations were not required.Then the dominoes began to fall. The elder suffered health issues that continue today; the younger person’s caregiver lost nearly all leave time for the rest of year, thus dashing long-anticipated family plans. Furthermore, the caregiver was not able to return to work for 24 days to provide support to those who so desperately needed it.Your health decisions, at work and elsewhere, must consider the lives of others because you are affecting them — beyond your knowledge. Take child care facilities, for instance. They are the foundation of our economy. No child care, no work.

Yet overarching organizations, whose mission is to provide a network of resources to such facilities, are not stepping up to keep staff and children safe. Two major Alaska groups that come to mind, Thread and Thrivalaska, should be advocating strongly for child care staff to mask up and get vaccinations. However, their websites are silent on those matters. Why? Are they promoting these practices behind the scenes? We need reassurance they are.

For those who believe they know something our nation’s public health scientists don’t, your defiance might work in normal times, but it is selfish and detrimental to the health of others. Our municipal and state administrations are out of touch with the reality of the pandemic. They should not expect our economy to recover under their unscientific and antiquated actions — or lack thereof.

Good luck trying to find a medical provider who can help you with your worsening COVID symptoms. There is no lab or X-ray facility that will accept you — unless you go to the ER and they can’t handle you there, either.

— Dianne Holmes


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