Letters to the Editor

Letter: Forward-looking people

I was born in Alaska in 1945. My perception of how things have worked in Alaska have been influenced by my time as a union member and 30 years in the Alaska National Guard. My mother came to Anchorage from Kodiak in 1932 and we talked at length about the growth of the city.

Claims that Alaska was always “conservative,” like Joe Fleming’s letter recently, are laughable. I knew Bill Egan and people like Jay Hammond, and they were giants in the state for what they got done. Heck, Ted Stevens would be called a liberal today, with the Trump supporters and their ilk spreading their philosophy.

Basically, this state was built by forward-looking people. Conservatives live only to complain about it and try to drag us back to the bad old days. Get vaccinated and live; take horse dewormers and roll the dice.

— Jay Cross

Big Lake

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