Letters to the Editor

Letter: Recall Bronson

In regards to the attempted recall of Assembly member Meg Zaletel for possibly being present when there may have been a couple of extra people in the Assembly meeting she attended: Perhaps we should spend that time and energy recalling the Anchorage mayor who has contributed so much to the sickness and death of many of our neighbors and friends.

In order to further his political standing with his base, he is willing to crassly sacrifice innocent citizens and endanger our children. With the mayor acting as a “mini-me” to the governor, and the governor likewise parroting our disgraced former president, we get a vertically integrated line of politicians willing to sacrifice the citizens that they are sworn to protect in order to further their political aspirations. Recalling our mayor would do as much to protect the people of Anchorage as any mandate.

He recently asked, “I don’t know what more we can do?” The answer is simple: Quit.

— Leif Simcox


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