Letters to the Editor

Letter: Don’t forget broadcast TV

The one thing that GCI, the station representatives interviewed and the author of the recent article about Yukon TV failed to mention is good old-fashioned antenna TV.

I unplugged cable to save money almost 20 years ago and have been watching antenna TV ever since — there’s lots of programming on the local airwaves. The switch to digital broadcast meant an upgrade to a more energy-efficient digital TV a while back. When we first added internet (remember DSL by ACS?), we subscribed to Netflix and eventually added Apple TV. Another change — Sony TV stopped supporting Netflix — meant another change-for-convenience, so we got a Roku TV on sale last year. Local news is broadcast and, combined with a slight learning curve to watch Roku options, there’s plenty — maybe too much — to watch on the airwaves and the internet this way.

I’d be much more inconvenienced and upset if antenna broadcasts, TV and radio, were ended.

— Kirsten Ballard


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