Letters to the Editor

Letter: We support Inlet View

We are three households of South Addition that support Inlet View’s placement on the 2022 school bond. The project design is not final and will continue to incorporate community input, but we need to stop kicking the can down the road when it comes to our neighborhood school. Our kids and the dedicated staff and teachers need and deserve a building that has fire suppression systems and working toilets, neither of which worked this past month. The ongoing expenses to bandage a building together are much higher than a new facility.

We’re not talking about dollars; we’re talking about investment in our community and in our future. If we want to stop the net outmigration of staff, families and the hollowing-out of our communities, we need to invest in infrastructure so that in 100 years, generations of Alaskans can reap the benefits of our work this next year.

— Brandy Curtis-Richards, Kait Riley and Anna Bosin

Mothers of current/future Inlet View students


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