Letters to the Editor

Letter: Protecting whom?

Gov. Mike Dunleavy stated in his recent commentary that he’s working to “protect and defend the rights of Alaskans…” — yet everything he’s done since he became our governor, especially since the beginning of the pandemic, has been the opposite. He’s failed us on many counts — especially in failing to have a statewide mask mandate, as well as his stance on vaccinations that mirrors the national Republican Party’s lack of willingness to protect their own voters and all Americans. Alaska reached the No.1 spot in COVID-19 cases per capita and remained there for weeks. That’s not protecting or defending Alaskans.  

Dunleavy mirrors the last president’s use of “heard from many people” when he really hasn’t. I don’t agree with him or the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals’ stay on the president’s vaccine mandate or the “many other states” that he says are fighting for their rights. Those same states are the ones with the highest percentage of COVID infections and deaths. I guess the governor is defending their rights to get sick, have long haul COVID or die.

Dunleavy supports the Republican game plan to destroy voting rights for minorities, remove a woman’s right to determine her own health care, replace Democrats as local and state voting officials and gerrymander voting districts to ensure they get elected with their dwindling minority. The only thing that has protected the governor from being recalled has been the pandemic. I guess he is trying to prolong that protection by keeping the pandemic going.

— Sam Combs


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