Letters to the Editor

Letter: Liberty and accountability

This is to commend the Anchorage Daily News for the diversity of opinions in its editorial section. Everyone’s in favor of freedom of speech, until you say something they don’t like. Viewpoints that cannot tolerate opposing ideas and opinions are not worth investing time in. Veritas contra mundum — “Truth against the world.”

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from the consequences of what you say and do. Freedom of speech does not excuse you from being a decent person responsible for your actions. America was founded upon this ideal, that freedom and responsibility are inseparable. The freedom to choose your life and be responsible for your life, instead of others choosing your life for you — which is called slavery.

As Americans, our loyalty is to the U.S. Constitution, not to a disgraced ex-president who tried to destroy it. To the Jan. 6 mob, who represent the worst of America — stand up and take responsibility for your actions, instead of trying to weasel out of them like your cult leaders. The true American stands alone, defying and shaming the mob, to protect the downtrodden.

— Thomas Harrison Morse


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