Letters to the Editor

Letter: Support public health officials

Certainly one of the saddest stories I’ve read lately was the one in the ADN about Dr. Anne Zink being attacked for doing her job.

Is there really no shame out there? Are we becoming so depraved as a society that a significant part of us seeks blindness, seeks ignorance, seeks revenge — for what?

Dr. Zink has provided us good information, good suggestions, good counsel. That’s her job, and she’s really good at it. Our governor, who has not always agreed with her, has backed and continues to support Dr. Zink.

We really need to ask ourselves what’s important. Attacking civil servants, our public health folks, our election officials, our elected leaders — threatening them and their families with violence is wrong. It’s adolescent, and it’s indecent.

Let’s look around and see what we want our lives to contain. It sure isn’t constant anger, constant mistrust and constant heartburn. We can disagree without resorting to violence as a solution.

— John Blaine


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