Letters to the Editor

Letter: Waste of time

The Alaska Legislature has many issues that need to be addressed, including homelessness, the state budget, Alaska Marine Highway funding, the Permanent Fund dividend, the issue of Native women coming up missing for no reason, just to name a few.

Instead, a group of legislators decided to have closed-door meetings about Rep. David Eastman’s involvement with Oath Keepers and his supporting the Jan. 6, 2021 rally in Washington, D.C. Why does this even matter, and why are they wasting the state’s funds and time because they don’t like a group someone belongs to?

So now it is wrong to support an organization that supports the Constitution? No one is perfect and neither is any organization perfect, but I believe we all strive to do what is right. All of us have the right to belong to organizations or clubs if we want to; this is America. Just because what someone else likes doesn’t line up with what you believe, it doesn’t mean it’s wrong. It’s like watching TV; if you don’t like the program, turn the channel.

Legislators, do the job the people elected you to do, or do us all a favor and submit your resignations so you are not continuing to waste state funds on your insecurities and leftist causes. And for those Republicans who participated in these closed-door sessions, you should resign now so we can find others who will do the work of the people.

— David Frary


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