Letters to the Editor

Letter: Get involved and vote

I recently overheard three conversations about Anchorage parks: During the Tour of Anchorage (a group chatting about our great trails); at a dog park (people angry about the broken gates); and at Kincaid (complaints about garbage). Each time, I wanted to ask if they were involved in local politics, but I lost my nerve.

If Republicans win Assembly seats, services will be cut even more. Our parks will be dirty. Our schools will suffer. Loved ones struggling with mental illness will be left out in the cold — literally.

Democrats work to create thriving cities that benefit everyone, including their Republican constituents. Wishing for a livable city doesn’t change anything. It takes action. You can volunteer for campaigns for as little as an hour a week. Volunteering is a fun way to meet other people while creating the city you want.

If you can’t volunteer, make a donation or post a yard sign. If you know people too busy to research the issues (like my friend who juggles three kids and two jobs), help them.

And make sure you vote. Too many people ignore local elections. No matter how loudly you complain, your opinion means nothing if you’re not involved.

— Alex Bury


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