Letters to the Editor

Letter: More Ukraine news, please

There is simply not enough news about the Ukraine-Russia war being reported on the ADN’s site. From a quick scroll through your “All” section, I found a article on an omelet before anything about the war crimes being committed by Russia.I acknowledge that this website is primarily focused on Anchorage, but we are geographically next to Russia. We are involved in this war in more than other U.S. states, so ADN should most definitely focus on the war more.

Once Russia turns its sights to Alaska, everyday Alaskans will be blindsided because their news source hasn’t reported on what may be the next world war.We need more important news than omelets. It’s in your personal interest as well, seeing as people flock to other news sources to find Ukraine information. If you provide information on the war, ADN will get more user traffic.

— David Penfield

Eagle River

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