Letters to the Editor

Letter: Harm reduction

Thank you for the exceptional story about Bruce Snodgrass’ life, and his death at age 22 from a fentanyl overdose.

The article offers us an opportunity to talk about the importance of harm reduction as another public health strategy to turn the tide on overdoses. There are people across Alaska, like those at the Four As in Anchorage, who’ve worked for decades to save lives by providing syringe exchange programs, wound care, naloxone kits, fentanyl testing strips, and other supplies affirming that your life matters whether or not you’re using. For some, access to those programs means the difference in being alive long enough to stay on that sometimes-rough river of recovery Bruce was bravely traveling.

We need our harm reduction heroes in Alaska. They do it despite facing stigma, despite resistance in some neighborhoods and towns, despite longstanding bans on federal funding for their materials, and politicians who try to score points taking cheap shots at their work. Luckily, they’re not going anywhere, because they know what’s at stake.

Sandy Snodgrass, I am so sorry for what was taken from you. Thank you for honoring your son by continuing to fight for him, and for all of us.

— Katie McKay Bryson


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