Letters to the Editor

Letter: Colony Days

The “woke cancel culture” attempted to slither into Palmer recently, courtesy of the Palmer Chamber of Commerce. It seems the longstanding summer celebration that we know as “Colony Days” was offensive to someone, so this of course had to be canceled in favor of the more politically correct “Braided River Festival.”

What a huge segment of the Valley population found offensive was the blatant disregard for this rich and colorful local history, and a slap in the face to every descendant of the Colonist pioneers who built this community. The pushback from the good people in the Valley was immediate and explosive, and that snake was promptly decapitated.

This kind of politically correct rubbish might fly in Portland or, sadly, even in Anchorage. Make no mistake, it is not acceptable in Palmer. I hope the message to the Palmer Chamber of Commerce was crystal clear: Don’t be trying to sell us that kind of garbage, because we’re not buying.

— M.J. Koskovich


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