Letters to the Editor

Letter: Legislature must act

Little more need be said about Rep. David Eastman: white supremacist, defender of child marriage, proud member of a seditious organization. He is who he is and does what he does.

Concerned Alaskans must now turn their attention to the legislative body that has emboldened him to carry on without even the most minimal of consequences. Like any bully whose misconduct is willfully ignored, Eastman has escalated his misbehavior, recently shutting down the House floor session for days by refusing to wear a mask.

The House has, at its fingertips, the means to remove this right-wing radical from office: a means plainly spelled out — mandated, in fact — in the state constitution they all swore to uphold. Every day Eastman remains in office is a general indictment of the impotence of our Legislature. Every day this deeply repulsive man is allowed to hold membership in committees, a privilege which can be taken away at any time by simple majority vote, is a particular indictment of the Majority Leader and his caucus. Alaskans should not stop demanding action; otherwise, our constitution is only as good as the paper it’s printed on.

— Ivan Hodes


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