Letters to the Editor

Letter: Don’t contribute to road mess

Ah, spring is finally in the air in Alaska. How do I know this? Well, I travel the roads of Alaska quite a bit and I notice the arrival of spring in this gorgeous state by the presence of trash at the turnouts and rest stops. It is a glorious experience to come across neatly wrapped, filled diapers, placed and tied into plastic shopping bags, or poop wipes, or the urine-filled pop bottles, or the tobacco juice or sunflower seed-filled bottles. Oh yes, there is also the ever-present remnant of a green wood fire with burned/melted beer bottles and cans.

I do appreciate the consideration of the folks who leave the trash behind in such neatly arranged messes. Especially, the folks who leave their 5-Hour Energy containers behind. Not too sure of the extra energy expenditure that would be required to just keep the trash in a vehicle and dispose of it properly. Probably less than the energy used to package their waste for the benefit of the masses.

Alaska is a big state — the biggest, right? It is a wild, beautiful state too, probably the wildest and most beautiful, correct? I guess the gifters of refuse reckon the bigness and beauty of the state will not be diminished by their generosity. I am guessing I am one of many who do not accept such gifts kindly. The terms self-accountability, self-responsibility and self-respect come to mind. Take care of your mess in a manner that it does not become our mess.

— Jeff Powers


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