Letters to the Editor

Letter: Pregnancy law suggestion

With all the conversations and letters regarding the possible overturn of Roe vs. Wade, here’s one more.

Preface: Each state has its own laws regarding availability of abortion, or should I say, the degree to which abortions may occur. Should Roe be overturned, many of these states will proceed from having already extremely limiting conditions to banning them entirely. If or until Roe is overturned, examples of these limitations include pregnancy begins at insemination, abortion not allowed after six weeks, mothers being charged with murder should they resort to alternative methods to terminate pregnancy and declaring that there are absolutely no exceptions in terms of rape or incest.

My suggestion: Each state must promulgate laws stipulating that no man may impregnate a woman more than two times. Those “oops” pregnancies during high school, those within the sanctity of marriage or common-law partnerships, all would count. A state database would be maintained for each male via DNA testing, vasectomies to follow after two successful pregnancies. Should the male have the vasectomy secretly reversed, he and his doctor would be charged with first-degree sexual assault, first-degree assault and being a co-conspirator, with the female, of murder. And remember, the number of pregnancies counted doesn’t mean live births, simply impregnation.

— Sherry Lewis Kenai

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