Letters to the Editor

Letter: Bronson must go

Our city leadership crisis, most recently manifesting in a blatant disregard for the obvious problem with Judy Eledge’s administration of the library, is deeply concerning. When Mayor Dave Bronson bullheadedly stands by and supports her during a growing barrage of deeply concerning complaints registered through appropriate avenues, then fires Heather MacAlpine, the investigator, it is obvious that this is not simply inexperience, but the mark of a true despot committed to circumventing checks and balances, at the peril of our local democracy.

For Bronson to claim that Eledge has his “undying and unquestioned support” belies a level of loyalty unbecoming of someone responsible for making sure that the city’s employees do their jobs effectively. Bronson is obviously willing to sacrifice our community for his own personal and political allegiances, and this is simply the latest in a string of incidents demonstrating the threat his absolute ineptitude and lack of character represents. He has lied or withheld information, time and time again, he has acted against the laws and protocols of his office, and this behavior has proven consistently corrupt, ignorant and destructive. This is not about his politics, but about his inability to lead. It’s time for him to go.

— Rebecca and David Vano


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