Letters to the Editor

Letter: Short memories

Either Alaskans have very short memories or we only choose candidates for name recognition and amount of — dark — money they can squeeze out of special interest groups. I mean, really? Out of 48 candidates, only one is viable, honest and experienced.

Sarah Palin showed how little she cared about Alaskans by resigning her political job to join the big-top circus show and demonstrated her total ignorance on all subjects presented to her and made Alaska a laughingstock on the political stage every time she spoke. But for her, it’s only about money. Who won the 2020 election? What informative news sources do you read? And no, you can’t see Russia from your deck in the Mat-Su.

Nick Begich III: “I’m not a politician,” as he stated in his expensive TV ads. So if Nick is not a politician, why is he just dragging more “baggage” into Alaska’s unqualified political right-wing fringe circus? We don’t need anymore baggage with Begich III; please give me a break.

Al Gross seems to be a nice guy, has lost once, and claims he’s not a Democrat or a Republican, but he’s got his fingers into fossil fuels, instead of environmentally friendly alternatives like solar, wind and hydroelectric sources that would create way more diverse job opportunities and have a positive impact on our environment. More electric vehicles and charging stations, please. Gross would have zero effect on the Affordable Health Care Act as one little representative.

Mary Peltola is the only true Alaskan who has the knowledge, skills, expertise and abilities to truly represent what the people and state need and want. Mary would be a nice reprieve from the lies and money-grabbing our current and past politicians have demonstrated they are really great at. Mary will represent Alaskans, not just Big Oil and the Yukon. Mary’s the only honest, intelligent and experienced candidate out of the four.

Vote Peltola into office. Republicans have had far too many chances to do the right thing for Alaskans and have failed us for years while enriching themselves in the guise of pretending to be public servants.

— Patrick Ozment



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