Letters to the Editor

Letter: Incivility

I was extremely pleased to see that the ADN chose to print Les Gara’s letter on June 16. He made two points: that Orin Seybert is an exemplary fellow citizen; and that we need to be civil in our public discourse.  

In the latter regard, he referred to an intemperate letter written by Charles Brobst that included disrespect for Mr. Seybert; he did not name Brobst.

I would add one more point: that the ADN chose to print Brobst’s letter. The ADN had no obligation to print the letter that we saw, or to print it at all. In an age when incivility among a certain group of people is normal — I am thinking of some Assembly meetings as examples — I see no reason why incivility deserves a platform.

— Clarence Crawford


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