Letters to the Editor

Letter: Court’s gun decision

I have not had an opportunity to read the Supreme Court’s Second Amendment decision yet, but it appears to be one that fails to acknowledge that the changes to American society and technology since the Constitution was adopted required it to be a “living” document that is subject to interpretation in response to those changes.  

In evaluating this decision, there is a relatively simple test I suggest you use: What would the outcome have been on Jan. 6 under this decision? Remember, weapons had been cached outside Washington, D.C., because of its restrictions on carrying firearms.

I suggest that the Constitution should not be interpreted to be a form of suicide pact when it was intended to assure domestic tranquility and promote the general welfare. For those who don’t know me, I am a veteran, U.S, Army 1969-71, gun owner and retired attorney, as well as an Alaska resident since 1975.

— Peter Crosby


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