Letters to the Editor

Letter: Improve the homeless situation

I’ve lived in Anchorage for 22 years, and I continue to be puzzled by the approaches multiple Municipality of Anchorage administrations have taken to handle homelessness in our city. However, I am utterly appalled at what the current administration has done, basically dumping folks at the Centennial campground after closing the mass shelter.

These people deserve more from the MOA. Since you seem to be out of ideas, perhaps you should consider these: Set up equipment for folks to wash and dry rain-soaked clothes and sleeping bags. Provide sleeping bags, tarps or tents to folks who need better equipment. Pay for security to patrol the campground to help curb crime and improve safety. Provide free firewood; Anchorage has lots of standing dead timber and it operates the wood lot.

Stop posturing, Mayor Bronson, and take action to improve the terrible situation your administration has created.

— Michele Sherwood


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