Letters to the Editor

Letter: Incivility

My wife and I are Kevin Cross’s constituents. We may not agree with him on many issues but we were gratified to hear before the recent election that he believes, as we do, that “we do not treat each other with the respect we want in return,” and that “everyone deserves to be appreciated and listened to, even if it’s inconvenient or you disagree.”

People attending Anchorage Assembly meetings are becoming less and less respectful. Many of these folks are Cross’s supporters. Perhaps they will listen if he, Jamie Allard or Mayor Dave Bronson reminds them that everyone deserves to be appreciated and listened to. Every Assembly member, like Cross, was elected by a majority of residents in their district to do a job.

There are times and places to share ideas and express different perspectives. Hooting, name calling and personal threats may be free speech but they are not respectful public discourse. I hope Cross still agrees and that he will make it a point to address rampant incivility when it breaks out at the Assembly’s next meeting.

— Rick Sinnott


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Rick Sinnott

Rick Sinnott is a former Alaska Department of Fish and Game wildlife biologist. Email him: rickjsinnott@gmail.com