Letters to the Editor

Letter: Homelessness updates

My thanks to Emily Goodykoontz for her rather comprehensive article (ADN, Aug. 7) about the lack of response coordination among homeless response agencies, the untenable situation at Centennial Park Campground that the mayor refuses to call a “homeless response” and references to the Salvation Army, Houseless Resources Advocacy Council, and Coalition to End Homelessness. My thanks also to Zachariah Hughes for his rather comprehensive article (ADN, Aug. 22) that reviewed the history and brought us up to date on Catholic Social Services having opened a Complex Care facility (small specialized shelter) in the former Sockeye Inn.

These articles are so much more appreciated than those that simply focus on the “ain’t it awful” situation. Please continue to inform us of steps taken, including updates on the Salvation Army, Houseless Resources Advocacy Council, and Coalition to End Homelessness, as well as Catholic Social Services. Are these organizations collaborating, or are they competing for press?

— Bernadine Raiskums


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