Letters to the Editor

Letter: Cacy deserves your support

I am extremely disappointed to read that NEA-Alaska did not choose Roselynn Cacy as the first choice for Senate District E.  I have known Roselynn for many years since she was in charge of the adult learning program at UAA. She is a tax adviser and has a lifetime of teaching. The quote from her description of herself in the “Official Election Pamphlet” speaks loudly to educators: “I am running for a better Alaska for our kids and grandkids. They need public education so good they can get into any private school, training or career they want.”

How about having education as a priority so Anchorage doesn’t have to worry about bus service or someone willing to tackle the $68 million deficit with which ASD is struggling?

As an educator and former Alaska state senator, I can attest to Roselynn Cacy having the tools, the persistence, the tenacity, the depth of commitment and the compassion to make proper funding of education her superordinate goal as a senator.  

She is a Democrat running in a Republican district, but with ranked choice voting and your support, she might just win — she needs all the support of educators and thoughtful voters.

— Terry Stimson


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