Letters to the Editor

Letter: Voting yes on a convention

As an Alaska Native woman, I’m voting yes on Ballot Measure 1 for a constitutional convention on Nov. 8 for two main reasons.

First, I believe we can have better representation from Alaska Natives and women when the delegates are elected this time. In 1955, when we had the original convention, there was only one Alaska Native and six women out of 55 people. The rest were non-Native men. The views of Alaska Natives and women are needed and will be a much greater part of a convention now.

The second reason I’m voting yes for a constitutional convention is because politicians have stolen some of our Permanent Fund dividend check and that is wrong. Especially now, when fuel and grocery prices have gone up so high, Alaskans deserve to have our full PFD check. Politicians think they can spend our dividend check better than us but they are wrong. It’s our money. Let us decide how to spend it.

So for these two reasons, I’m voting yes for a Constitutional Convention on Nov. 8. I encourage you to do the same, and to tell all your family and friends to also vote yes.

— Betty Jo Moore


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